Monday, December 29, 2008

The Year in Review... 2008 comes to a close, I get to look back at all of the reading I have done. This is the first year that I have chronicled my reading, so I have nothing to compare it to...but, wow. 34 books in 12 months. That works out to almost three books a month. For being a stay at home mom with four kids...that is a lot of reading!

I would have to list my favorite books of the year as the Twilight series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn), the Harry Potter series, The Kite Runner and Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral. I enjoyed all of the books that I read, but these would be the top picks for 2008 and the ones I would recommend most highly.

I wonder how many books I will read next will be really fun to have something to compare this year to. Happy Reading!

2008 Book List
The Bell Jar
Obsidian Butterfly
The Handmaid's Tale (Book Club)
Blue Moon
Burnt Offerings
The Killing Dance
Bloody Bones
The Lunatic Cafe
Circus of the Damned
The Laughing Corpse
Guilty Pleasures
The Call of the Wild
Cane River
Name Dropping
Breaking Dawn
Fearless Fourteen
Lean Mean Thirteen
Dark Rivers of the Heart
Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral (Book Club)
Sweet Memories
Flowers for Algernon
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
The Host
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
The Kite Runner (Book Club)
New Moon
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
The Society of S (Book Club)
Plum Lucky
A Long Way Down (Book Club)

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

This novel was recommended to me by a friend who is a literature teacher. It is a novel about a woman facing the pressures of life and going through a mental breakdown. It is beautifully written and haunting; at times very dark and at times quite funny.

Because the novel is written in the first person, the dark moments are disturbing. It is an excellent look at what madness truly is. The descriptions, the things the main character (Esther Greenwood) sees, the intense detail here and lack of detail there. This is not an uplifting novel. Added to its disturbing nature is the fact that the novel is semi-autobiographical. The author wrote this novel by fictionalizing her own life and the people in it. The history behind the novel is as interesting as the novel itself. The novel could not be published until the author's mother died. (The Harper Perennial publication has a forward that describes the publishing process for the book, and a "biographical note" at the end regarding Sylvia Plath's life.)

Definitely worth reading. Don't be fooled by its small size. This novel took me a while to finish. Partly because of the time of year - being Christmas time with not much time to read, and partly because of it's intense nature.

Happy reading!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obsidian Butterfly

Wow, it took me a while to finish this book. I will admit that I have been busy, BUT, this is an unusual amount of time for me even with a busy life.

I have to say that this Anita Blake novel was not as good as even the last. So, they are going a little downhill for me. I peaked with Bloody Bones, I think. In this edition of Anita's extraordinary life, she goes to New Mexico to help her friend and co-monster slayer, Edward. It is a good look into Edward's life, as the novel focuses on him and his world. There are mentions of the vampire and the werewolf in Anita's life, but they are not in the book themselves. So, for the fact that Edward's character is explored and revealed, the book was worth reading.

That being said...the plot was very confusing to me. The monster that they were tracking and its motives still eludes me and I am finished the book. I didn't really follow the how and why and even some of the who of that part of the story line. It was confusing and quickly explained and quickly wrapped up. It took me so long to finish this book because I simply wasn't that interested in that part of the story. I found other things to do, rather than read, and that isn't like me. When I have the time, reading is what I choose to do. While reading this book, I chose to watch TV or a movie, and on one occasion actually rake leaves. Not much of an endorsement for the book.

Laurell K. Hamilton also goes farther with the gore and disturbing acts of violence in this book. With each book, I think she can't get any darker or any more horrendous with her victims or the level of violence. And each time she proves me wrong. In this book there is very disturbing violence that takes place in the nursery of a hospital and also child sexual abuse. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

I will keep going in the series. I am still interested enough to see where life takes Anita. But I am not going to pick up the next book right away. I am going to read something else first, then pick up the next one.

Happy Reading!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, was a fascinating novel. I didn't expect to be as enthralled with it as I was. It is at once horrifying, funny, shocking and thought provoking. Full of symbolism and political commentary, it was a page turner until the very end.

The Handmaid's Tale is set in some future year that is not specified. There have been natural disasters, and a government coup of sorts, that change life as people know it. It is a gripping diary of one woman's journey through a new society where everything isn't as it should be. Families are torn apart, rights stripped away, new roles mandated and punishments given that are reminiscent of a less civilized time. As this woman makes her way through this new society in her new role, she must figure out the politics of the relationships between her and those she serves, with others in the household, as well as the relationships between the other household members themselves. She must also learn to deal with devastating loss and decide whether to continue on as instructed, fight, or give up and die.

It was a fascinating novel, filled with horrific things that don't seem so far fetched. This book makes you realize how fragile a society can be and how quickly things can change. It was especially appropriate to be reading it during our election process. I read this with my "book club girls" and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. We had more to discuss from this book than we have in a long time. I would highly recommend this book.

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Next Pick

I have to take a break from the Vampire Hunter novels. I think it is time. My next pick is a Book Club book. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I have to finish it quickly, because we meet tomorrow night! From what my friends have told me, it should be a quick read, the kind of book you can't put down.

Happy Reading!

Blue Moon

I just finished Blue Moon the next Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel. This novel focuses more on Anita's relationships with the lycanthropes in her life -- the werewolves and other "shapeshifters". It was just as action packed and gruesome as the other novels. Anita learns more about what the relationship she has forged with the vampire and the werewolf means, and how to control the magical powers that she possesses. Some important changes in that relationship happen. She also crosses a personal line that, I thought, changes the reader's viewpoint of her. But in the end, she redeems herself with her personal faith. The line she crosses is justified because she did it for noble purposes.

This novel took me a little more time to get through. Maybe because I have read so many of the same thing in a row, maybe just timing - not being able to read as much because life was too busy. I did enjoy the book as much as the others. It did not stand out to me as a favorite.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Burnt Offerings

Burnt Offerings is book seven in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels written by Laurell K. Hamilton. It was not the best one that I have read. But the series still has me hooked.

In this edition of Anita's life, the Vampire Council pays her vampire boyfriend a visit. The result is lots of gruesome torture, tense moments, and more information into the politics of being a vampire. It is a fast paced novel, but not as gripping as the others. Anita's character doesn't develop much further in this novel. There is a side plot of Anita helping with a police investigation of vampires being burned, that sort of gets forgotten in the middle of the novel. I felt that the end was just wrapped up too nicely and quickly. The writing is still witty and fun, with lots of macabre thrown in, too.

These novels never disappoint when it comes to the grotesque stuff nightmares are made of, and the author has begun to throw a lot of sex in, too. The novels started PG-13 and are now becoming NC-17! From what I hear, they will soon move into XXX.

I am the type if reader that will need to see what happens to Anita and her friends as the story continues. I can't put a book down without finishing it, even if I don't like the book. Kinda stupid, I know, because I waste my time on something that I don't really enjoy. But that is how I am. I know that I will probably see this series through to the end. But I have heard that the books don't get any better from this point on. Regardless, I am already reading number seven, Blue Moon.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Killing Dance is the next installment in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did not like the ending, but I believe that if a novel can evoke an emotion, even one of disappointment at a character's choice, the author has done his or her job.

In this novel, the werewolf in Anita's life finally has to embrace who and what he is, and make a play to be the Alpha for the pack. There is a price on Anita's head, so in addition to the political mess within the lycanthrope community, she has to escape multiple attempts on her life. Oh, and she and the werewolf need the Master of the City vampire to help them out. (She is dating both the werewolf and the vampire...complicated doesn't begin to describe it!)

There is some complicated hierarchy and political issues within both the lycanthrope (werewolves and other "were" animals) community and the vampire community. The author doesn't take a lot of time to explain. I was left confused by some of the terminology and the political issues because they were glanced over too quickly. Being willing to overlook that, because it wasn't central to my enjoyment of the story line, it did not ruin the book for me. It was quite confusing, but only slightly bothersome.

Toward the end of the book, Anita makes a decision that changes the direction of her relationships. I was so conflicted. I was upset that she did what she did, but I also enjoyed that part of the novel. I felt real emotion afterward, when someone got terribly hurt. The book even made me cry and I didn't think these books would be able to do that for me. In the end of the book, I just don't see how Anita could continue with her behavior. I was disappointed in her decision, but it should be interesting to see where it takes her. So that leads me on to number six...which I started as soon as I closed this book.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bloody Bones

Bloody Bones is the fifth novel in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. It is the most entertaining one yet. Full of action, suspense and sexual tension. It is non stop, page turning action that makes you want to keep reading even when life tells you to put the book down and get back to work.

This book was the best yet, however I did find some of the supernatural elements confusing. In this book, Anita comes up against fairies, in addition to the vampires. Not much time is taken to explain how things work in the world of fey. It could be that because supernatural and sci-fi are not my typical genre, I find it confusing. But the action is good enough that I look past the confusing parts, suspend reality and trust Hamilton and Anita. They do not ever fail or disappoint.

If you are willing to suspend disbelief, give the author some slack and let her lead you, she takes you places you could not imagine in your worst nightmares. But she doesn't scare you the way Stephen King or Dean Koontz can. She just entertains, and most of the good guys win in her books. I am eagerly awaiting where she will take me in the next book, The Killing Dance.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Lunatic Cafe

This is the fourth novel in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. In this edition, Anita faces some lycanthropes (shapeshifters - humans that can change into animals) with less than admirable hobbies. She has to get to the bottom of a slew of missing lycanthropes and in order to do so, has to get close to some shifty characters (pun intended).

As with the others, this is a thoroughly entertaining read. I finished it in a day and a half. This one does get a little more graphic. One of the hobbies involved making adult films and the author goes into detail about what is seen on the screen. While the main character remains rather chaste with some serious sexual tension, the remaining characters are not so innocent in their actions. I think it is a good way for the author to stay true to who her character is, but add the steamy scenes that her fans may be asking for. From what I understand, all that changes and the novels get a lot more graphic as they go along.

For now, it was a great read and the minute I was done, I picked up the next book, Bloody Bones. I am hooked for the time being and can't see myself letting this series go to pick up something else in the near future.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Circus of the Damned

Circus of the Damned is the third novel in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. Like the first two, this one was full of blood, other worldly creatures and lots of kicking butt on Anita's part. Anita always kicks butt!

In the third installment of the series, she meets two more master vampires, has to train a fresh face in the world of animation and vampire hunting, and has to escape from creatures that only someone with a wild imagination could dream up. Throw in one wild and gruesome Halloween and you have yourself an entertaining, non stop action book.

I was turned on to this series by a friend and I can't seem to stop reading them to pick anything else up. From what she has told me, they get a little ridiculous further into the series (there are somewhere around 15 books total). But for right now, I am hooked and as soon as I close one, I pick up the next and start reading. I have gotten the next four from the library, even having to order one hoping it will be in by the time I need it. Now I am on to The Lunatic Cafe, which is book #4.

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Laughing Corpse

This is the second Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel. This would not normally be my cup of tea, but I read the first book (Guilty Pleasures) because a dear friend recommended it. I was hooked and decided to read on. The Laughing Corpse was even better than Guilty Pleasures. It was easier to follow, explained a little more history, and was a page turner.

This book is gruesome, suspenseful, and interesting. It is hard to describe without sounding ridiculous. The monsters, ghouls, vampires, lycanthropes (shape shifters), animators, necromancers...the list goes on and sounds a little weird. But really, the books are very entertaining.

I am definitely hooked, and as soon as I finished this book, I picked up the third, Circus of the Damned. My next stop, after posting this, is the local library website to put the next three in the series on hold.

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

So as soon as I finished Call of the Wild I picked up my next book. A friend of mine lent me three books in a series she has been reading. Guilty Pleasures, by Laurell K. Hamilton is the first of the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books.

At first, I wasn't sure about these books. Based on what my friend had told me, they seemed a little out there. Zombies, ghouls, vampires, wererats? Not just plain old werewolves...wererats, werehyenas, etc. A little over the top for me.

Now I know that I must just love to read...because damn if I didn't finish half the book on Saturday afternoon/evening. And with very little time at home on Sunday and no time to read until the kids were in bed tonight, I still finished it. It was a thoroughly entertaining book.

The main character, Anita Blake, is an animator. This is someone who raises the dead. That is her job. The vampires in this book are part of mainstream society, and are even fighting for the right to vote. But when they do wrong, and murder people, they must be punished. No jail for the vampires; when they do wrong, they get executed. That is when Anita becomes the Vampire Hunter. Just something she does on the side. And boy does she kick butt, and keeps a sense of humor while doing it. In this particular book, someone is slaying vampires and everyone wants Anita to find out who. In fact, her life depends on it.

The relationships she has with others, the vampires, the other animators she works with, and her friends are fascinating. And there is a ton of action, lots of violence, blood and guts. But not in a scary way, in an entertaining, thrill ride sort of way. These are not horror books, they are part thriller/suspense, part sci-fi, lots of action.

I finished the first book and immediately picked up the second. There are something like seventeen books now in the series. I don't know if I will stick with them for that long...but for now, I am intrigued about where Anita's next adventure will take her. Stay tuned....

Happy Reading!

Call of the Wild

My nine year old son asked me to read this. He finished it recently and said that he thought Daddy and I might enjoy it. He read the abridged and adapted version. I loved that he wanted to share a book with me. He sees me share my love of reading with my friends, and it meant so much to me that he wanted to share a good book with me. I promised him that as soon as I finished the book I was reading (Cane River) I would read it.

I sat down on Saturday afternoon, and read his book cover to cover in about an hour and a half. I am sure I read it at some point in my childhood, but I don't remember when, and I didn't remember the story. It was a great read. Very entertaining, action packed and sweet. The story covers the adventures of a dog named Buck as he is stolen and put to work in Alaska during the gold rush. There is a lot of violence and death in this book. I was a little surprised by that.

There were moments when I was fearful for Buck, and moments when I cried. Anytime an author can evoke an emotion, I think they have done their job. There is no question why this book is a classic. Definitely worth reading, and re-reading if it has been years since you have read it.

Happy Reading!

Cane River

I finished Cane River by Lalita Tademy a few days ago, but had no time to post. It was a fascinating book. It is a novel that is based in fact. The author is writing about her own ancestors. She has some facts from historical documents and stories handed down by generations. The rest, she fabricates based on what she believes, or knows, about her family. It was truly engaging and fascinating.

The story is centered around the women of an African American family. It begins in times of slavery and moves through times of freedom, but few rights. It is a story of struggle and triumph, but mostly of making the best of what you can and not giving up. It is about these women who knew that life could be better for the next generation, and they made it so through sacrifice and hard work. So much hard work.

There are illustrations of the historical documents, actual pictures and family trees throughout the book. Those add to the interest of the story. The fact that you are reading about real people and real events makes the story really come alive.

This story is an excellent reminder of the way things were in this country long ago, and the way they sometimes still are. It was a reminder to me of how horribly humans could treat each other, but also that not everyone is that way, or even was back then.

This book is definitely one worth reading. It is one that makes a mark on you and will not be forgotten.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Next Pick

I have had a couple of light, frivolous reads in a row, so I decided to pick something a little more complex and literary. I have had Cane River by Lalita Tademy on my shelf for a couple of years. This is what is up next...I know, I am way behind the times.

Happy Reading!


Fourplay by Jane Moore is a fun, frivolous read. (Another one of my beach picks that I didn't read at the beach.) It is also an endearing, touching tale. The book is about a woman named Jo who's husband leaves her and their two children for a secretary at work, and how she learns to deal with his infidelity, dating again, and finding herself.

It is a bit predictable, as most romance novels. But this novel is not just a romance, it is a story of personal struggle, family ties, and coming of age at 33. The novel spans a couple of years, so it really gives you a peek Jo's life and it is a more realistic view of relationships than most romance novels. It takes Jo some time to move on from her marriage, even though it wasn't perfect to begin with. I liked that she didn't just automatically jump into bed and fall in love with the next guy and ride happily into the sunset. It takes her some time to find a place for herself and there are bumps and bruises along the way. In the end, of course she rides into that sunset, but the journey there was endearing and touching.

I loved the other characters in the novel - her best friend, Rosie and her brother Tim. I loved that she was so close with her brother and the relationship that he had with her children. Jo's mother is also an interesting character that offers more complexity to the novel than a typical romance.

There was one event that I didn't see coming, that had me in tears. I love it when a book can get some form of emotion from the reader. I feel that the author has done a good job if the reader cares enough about the characters to be happy, sad or angry for them. There is definitely a moment in this book that requires tissues.

Overall, although mostly predictable, I liked this book. The characters were interesting and the story was sweet and heart felt. Not a top pick or one of my favorite books, but one that was worth my time.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Next Selection

When I gathered my books to take on vacation, I over estimated the amount of time I would have to read. I took Breaking Dawn (which is a very long book), and three others. I finished Breaking Dawn, and one of the others, Name Dropping. Now that we are back from vacation, I still feel like I want to be on vacation, so I grabbed one of the other books from my vacation reading selections: Fourplay by Jane Moore. It promises to be a fast, fun, frivolous read. What more can you want from a vacation book?

Happy Reading!

Name Dropping

While on vacation, after finishing Breaking Dawn, I read Name Dropping by Jane Heller. I took it along on vacation because it seemed like a perfect beach read. It did not disappoint. I almost completed it in two days and it only lasted until the third day because we came home and I had too much to do to finish it right away.

Name Dropping is the first book that I have read of Jane Heller's. On the cover, it was reviewed as being a funny book, with witty one-liners. It was cute, entertaining, fast, fun, easy and a little funny. But it was not laugh out loud funny like I was expecting from the cover.

The premise of the book is that a nursery school teacher, with a life that she feels is boring, suddenly has her life changed because someone with the same name, and a much more thrilling life, moves into her building. She begins getting this other woman's mail, phone calls and deliveries. At first, I didn't like the main character because I felt she was rude. Here she is getting this other woman's messages, and mail and she didn't deliver them immediately. She would wait for a couple of days. And she receives a delivery from a pharmacy that she knows immediately is not hers and yet looks at it anyway, snooping into this other woman's life, making judgements because of the medicines that were in the pharmacy bag. That bugged me. I didn't feel that it fit with the character profile and I didn't like that the character acted in such a manner. But I let it go and got past it, so that I could enjoy the story.

It was a sweet story with mystery and romance. I felt somewhat connected to the character's life because of her profession. Having small children and being the Assistant Director of a preschool, albeit a very different preschool than in this book, I could relate to her life and the mishaps in the classroom. There are a few twists and turns that, even though they were expected, do add interest to the story. In the end, she realizes that her life was not boring and that she she makes a difference in the world every day by working with these children.

It was a perfect beach read. A book that I took to the beach with out hesitation, and one that I wanted to finish to see the outcome. Of course, it has a happy ending. Don't all good beach reads?

Happy Reading!

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer is the final installment of the Twilight saga. I was anticipating this book because the first three books in the series were fabulous and left the reader wanting more. But I was also not really relishing reading it, because it was the final book for the series.

I will cut right to the chase...It was fantastic. I didn't want to put it down. It was fast paced, and intriguing enough that I literally carried the book around with me during the day from place to place so that it would be by my side when I had a moment to read. I started it just before we left for a family vacation, and took it with me to read. During the kids nap time, my only real down time on vacation, I read it non-stop for a couple hours at a time. Then at night, after the kids were in bed, I read until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I read it while I ate my breakfast and lunch, and while I waited for the kids to get ready to go out. I took it to the beach (which I thought I would never do because I treasure this book and didn't want to see it messed up with sand and sunscreen) and read while the kids played in the sand. It was that good.

The book was a little different from the first three. It seemed more fast paced. I expected there to be suspense about where things were going with the book ending with the big event either happening or not. But right from the beginning, things moved along at a faster pace then her other books. And early on there was a HUGE unexpected twist. One that shaped the rest of the book. Trust me, if you have read the other books in this series, this one will surprise you. No one that I know that has read the books expected it. Oh and how wonderful some of the fantasy is! I don't want to give anything away, but if only some of the sci-fi elements involved could be real. The desire for that left me breathless.

Throughout the book, small loose ends are wrapped up and the series is given its just due. I didn't feel that it was all resolved too quickly at the end, just because the author knew it was time to wrap it up. There are a few things that wrap up simply and easily, but I felt that this was done to give the reader great satisfaction when the book was over. When the back cover closes with a thump, the reader is left with a sigh and a feeling of closure that the other books did not provide. Aptly so, since this is the final book.

I do wish that we could have more. That somewhere, Stephanie Meyer has another leg of this story to tell. One can only hope!

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Next Selection

I am going to begin Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. It is the final in the Cullen series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse). I want to be able to discuss it with my friend and my sister-in-law who have both read it. They have told me that it is surprisingly different from the other three books, but that it is good. It is a very long book; it may take me a while to get through it, given that I only have a few minutes a day to read!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lean Mean Thirteen/Fearless Fourteen

I am lumping these two together because I read them in quick succession. I am a huge Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum fan. I have been reading her books for years and usually when the next in the series comes out, I go back and re-read all of the previous books prior to starting the new one. However, with four kids and a busy life, and thirteen previous novels, I can't do that anymore. So I just re-read the last one.

Lean Mean Thirteen is hilarious. Stephanie Plum is always funny, but this one really had me laughing out loud. There is a bit throughout the book about the cable company that is one of Evanovich's best. I love that every one's response to the cable company is exactly the same. In addition to the cable company laugh, there are exploding stuffed wildlife, and enough sexual tension to feel through the pages. For those who have not read Stephanie's previous adventures, there are two men in her life. This book gives a good mix of the two. For Ranger fans, there is quite a bit of Ranger action. For Morelli fans, there is also a bit of good Morelli sexiness and sweetness. Thirteen is one of my favorites in the series.

Fearless Fourteen is not quite as laugh out loud funny but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its moments. Moments that you just have to share with someone because they are so clever and funny. Lula plays a big role in this one, a side plot of her own in a way. I didn't feel that Grandma Mazur was in this one quite as much as the last one and she is a character that I love. This book focuses more on Morelli, but there are good Ranger moments as well. I feel that this one leaves Morelli and Stephanie's relationship on a different level. Morelli says some things that leave no doubt about his feelings for Stephanie and it is very sweet.

Overall, of course I would recommend it, but not one of my favorites. Usually the books in this series leaving me wanting more right away. Evanovich usually leaves us hanging with some detail. This one felt pretty wrapped up. There are only questions left about Lula's side plot -- not something that will keep me hanging until next time.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Next Pick

I have decided it is time to enjoy the fourteenth installment of the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. But, in order to get the most enjoyment out of that book, I am going to re-read the thirteenth first. That is why now is the time. I will have enough time to finish both books before my book club picks the next book.

I love love love these books and can't get enough. I savor every word and am always sad because they just go too fast. So I can stretch out the enjoyment of the new one if I re-read an old one first. It was just a matter of deciding how far to go back. I decided on just one, and am choosing Lean Mean Thirteen, in anticipation of reading Fearless Fourteen next. Yummy yum! I just can't wait to dive in!!

Happy Reading!

Dark Rivers of the Heart

Last week, I picked this book off of my book shelf by process of elimination. I need to clear some of the books off my "unread" shelves. So I counted the number of books on them and chose a book off of the shelf that had the most books. Then I looked at the authors on that shelf. I had more books by Dean Koontz on that shelf than any other author, so I chose the oldest of those books. Stupid, I know, but I needed some method to help me narrow my choices.

I realized a few pages in that the story was familiar. I had read it before. My premonitions about what would happen next were too specific for it to be just a similar story line to something else I had read. I must have put that book on the wrong shelf when I unpacked them after our move. I must have read it a long time ago, because I couldn't remember the ending. The book had hooked me even though I knew I had read it before, so rather than put it on my "read" shelf, I re-read it. I guess that is a testament to how suspenseful and gripping Dean Koontz books can be.

Dark Rivers of the Heart was published in 1994 by Dean Koontz. I have found that normally Dean Koontz is good for a scary, supernatural thriller. This book was not supernatural in any way though. This was a legal/political thriller, with serial killers mixed in. It was excellent and had me hooked from the beginning, even though I had read it before. Dean Koontz gets political in this one, regarding our freedoms as Americans and the power that the government has. It is a book that makes you think about the realities of those freedoms and whether we are truly as free as we think we are. But most of all it is a fast paced thriller, a true page turner because you have no idea where Koontz is going to take you. This book didn't give me nightmares or make me afraid to read late at night alone, as his books sometimes do, but it was no less gripping.

There is an Afterward written by Koontz that explains some things about the political side of the book. Fact vs. fiction and what his beliefs are. Fascinating. Another one I would recommend.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral

I literally just finished Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish. This book was not what I expected. I thought it would be a fast, fun romp. Just goes to show you that you should not judge a book by it's cover. That doesn't mean that it was not a fabulous book...quite the contrary. This book will be added to my list of favorites. It is one that I will probably read again.

The book is beautifully written, and was a fun romp. But I found that it was not fast. Part of that was because I wanted to savor it. Part of that is because you have to pay attention when you are reading this book. It is a very intelligent and thought provoking book, that uses a lot of symbolism and imagery, and you can miss the point of some of it if you aren't paying attention. I found that I needed to slow down and let myself think about my own life and situation.

The characters are instantly likable and memorable, even the sub characters. The plot involves five women who have one friend in common that has passed away, Annie Freeman. She leaves them with instructions to spread her ashes in places, all across the country, that had significance to her. She has planned the adventure, made their reservations and all other arrangements. They are to figure out what to do with her ashes at each different destination. She trusts that, together, they will know what to do. At each destination they must figure out what made that place special to Annie through the people that they meet and the adventures that they encounter. The traveling funeral becomes a real living thing. It has a life of its own and along the way, the women meet people that will become life long friends and learn some very valuable lessons. Lessons that help them change their lives. I found that I needed to slow down, look at my own life and learn the lessons right along with the five women in the book. Which is exactly what Annie would have wanted!

I must caution the prospective reader not to pick this book up if you have an open wound from the loss, or potential loss, of a maternal figure in your life. There are several references to losing mothers, terminally ill mothers, sick and dying mothers that were very difficult for me to get through given that my mother is terminally ill with breast cancer. There were times that the ache in my chest was too much and I had to put the book down. That being said, it is a book that I think would help people heal that open wound, as long as it isn't too fresh. I think I may need to read this book again at that point in my life.

It is another one that I would highly recommend. I say that a lot...I love books and rarely find one that I wouldn't want to share. This is definitely one that should be on a must read list. And I can't wait to read another Kris Radish book.

Happy Reading!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sweet Memories

Okay, so I said I was going to read our next book club pick, but I knew that I would move through it too quickly and be left hanging before my book club's next meeting. So, I decided to pick up something else, that I would be able to complete in a week, so that then I could pick up my book club book with only five days or so until our meeting.

A friend had loaned me a bunch of books that she had read some time ago, and I try to work through them and my own bookshelf, intermittently. Sweet Memories by LaVyrle Spencer was among them. I do not typically like traditional romance books. It is not a genre that I care for. The books all seem to have the same theme or formula. Damaged girl, always pure, meets boy. Boy rescues girl in some way, whether it is from herself or from something or someone else. They fall in love and the girl's first time is so wonderful, end of book. Just change the names, setting and some of the circumstances. Sometimes the boy and girl like each other right away, sometimes they can't stand each other but underneath there are feelings...same old, same old. Usually reading such a book makes me angry. Why is the girl always damaged...why does she always need saving? Why is she always pure? Is there something wrong with a strong, normal girl who has had some romantic experience?

I have not read LaVyrle Spencer before. This romance did not disappoint. It was pretty much like all the others. The main character's issue was a new one...her body shape caused her to have inhibitions. Knowing someone personally who went through the same issue, this book was alternatively genuine and irritating. But I stuck with it. I have an obsession with finishing a book that I have started, whether or not I like it. I try not to give up; I try to see it through.

I suppose the book was entertaining, in the typical romance book fashion. Steamy scenes, lots of description, a frivolous read. It is not a book that evoked any emotion from me, other than the irritation at the plot line. It is not a book that I will remember for very long. But, it was a quick read that got me through, and the characters were likable enough. There is something to be said for that. And we all need a frivolous read every now and again. You would get terribly bored with meat and potatoes all the time. You need to throw in some candy every once and a while.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Next Pick

Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish.

This is our next book club selection. It was my pick this time. We went to the bookstore, picked up several books that looked interesting, voted on them and this was the winner. Since it was my pick, I had the right to veto the group's vote and choose something different. I don't think this was my first choice, but it was in the top three and it looked like a fun read. We needed something fun after The Kite Runner.

We will be reading about halfway through the book before we meet again next week. Then we will probably finish the book for the next meeting.

Flowers For Algernon

This was an excellent book. A heavy read, not for size of the book, but for content. It is a very intellectual book, that required my full attention.

It is the story of a mentally retarded man, Charlie, who is used in an experiment on intelligence. The book is written as progress report entries of Charlie's journey through the experiment. He is a lovable character, for whom you can't help but feel pity. There are parts of this book that will haunt me.

There is much deeper meaning in these pages than what is actually written on them. There are deep emotional and moral issues on every page. The treatment of mentally retarded people, both children and adults. The struggles of a family as they try their best to be "normal". The errors one mother makes that affect her child for the rest of his life. And the most controversial theme of them all...the use of humans in science experimentation.

Is it better to be a genius or an idiot? Is Charlie better off after his journey, or worse? I am still struggling with that question. He has lived a much different life than that which he would have been able to live. But at what cost?

Not a book to be taken lightly, but an excellent, thought provoking, page turner.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Next Pick

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys.

This book was recommended to me by a friend who is a teacher. It has been on my bookshelf for quite a while. It is a classic that I had never heard of before she mentioned it. I chose it now because of its size. I wanted something I could finish within a week or so.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I just finished the last installment in the Harry Potter series. I laughed, I cried, I sat on the edge of my seat and was scared. It was an excellent book.

The plot in this book was intricate. So intricate, that at times I felt confused and had to reference back. That should not reflect negatively on the book itself, but of my reading habits. When I read these days, I am usually tired, or have a short period of time and am trying to get as much read as I can, or I am surrounded by distractions. Back to the point...I am amazed at the effort that J. K. Rowling had to put into creating this entire series. It is not a simple story line. There are twists and turns and just when you think you had it figured out, something happens that shakes the foundation of the book.

I am very sad that I have completed the series. My adventures with Harry are over. There will be the last two movies coming out, but the movies that I have seen so far of the series did not engage me. So, I am left to re-live the adventure through my children as they grow and I introduce them to this wonderful, courageous hero.

I was never interested in Harry Potter before. I don't typically read fantasy, was not interested in the Harry Potter craze. I was hugely mistaken and judged these books without information. I am so thankful that my friend turned me onto them. This series is one that I would pass onto someone as a great gift. The gift of Harry Potter is one that can be handed down through generations. He is a hero that will transcend time.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Too Many Books, So Little Time

There are so many books out there that I want to read. New James Patterson, John Grisham, Janet Evanovich, among others. I keep a list of books I want to read and update it whenever I see something that interests me. The list keeps getting longer and longer. There are books on that list that are years old and can be found on the bargain book rack at Barnes & Noble. I want to get through whatever book I am reading currently so that I can move on to the next one...and yet, each book that I read I want to savor.

Next week the new Janet Evanovich comes out. Will I be finished Harry Potter so that I can read Fearless Fourteen right away? Do I want to be? When I finish Harry Potter, my adventure with him will be over. What a conundrum for a book lover!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Next Pick

I decided to read the seventh and final Harry Potter. I am anxious to read it to see what happens in the next installment of the saga. However, I am also anxious about the end of my relationship with Harry and the gang. I have so enjoyed these books, and I want the adventures to continue.

I haven't had much time to read this week, but I am hoping to be able to make a dent in the book next week.

Happy Reading!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Host

I finished The Host last night. It was a good read. I was hooked into it almost right away and couldn't wait to see how it would end. The premise of the book is very sci-fi, which I typically don't get into. But this was very interesting. The earth has been taken over by parasite beings called "souls". They are very peaceful, kind and honest creatures, with the exception that they invade planets and take over. They live inside the "host" humans and have all of their memories and past experiences to guide them. The main character of the book is an alien being, a "soul". Her "host" did not willingly give up her mind and the two struggle for control. The end result is that the two of them work together toward one common goal. Finding the "host's" little brother and the man that she loves.

Stephanie Meyer does a fantastic job of making the alien parasite human and likable. Not only because she takes over a human body, but because of the things she believes in and ultimately the sacrifices she makes. I found myself rooting for her and not wanting her time on Earth or the friendships she made to end.

I am also finding a theme to Stephanie Meyer's books. The idea that two men can be in love with one woman. And that woman loves them both, but differently. In this book, really it was two men in love with one body but two different minds and personalities. Her young adult series, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse have the same issue. But I guess a lot of books that have romance in them have that recurring theme.

I did think that the book was a little drawn out. There were times that the author infused too much detail, or maybe just spent to much time on one "scene", for lack of a better word. The book could have dragged on, if I had not been so interested in seeing where it was going. And there was just enough action put into those longer parts of the book to keep the reader hooked. That being said, I am sorry that my time with the "soul", Wanderer, and her human friends has come to an end.

Overall, I would recommend this book. It was an entertaining read and one that made me shed a few tears. Any book that elicits emotion is a good book, in my opinion. If you care enough about the characters to get emotional about what is happening to them, then the author has done his/her job.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Next Selection

I decided to read The Host by Stephanie Meyer. It was loaned to me by my sister-in-law. I chose it because I would like to get it back to her quickly, and also so that we can talk about it. We both enjoyed Stephanie Meyer's young adult series (Twilight) immensely. My sister-in-law purchased this book as soon as it came out so that she could read it right away. She said she finished it in two days. We will see if I can get it done as quickly!

Happy Reading!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I have been reading the Harry Potter books since just before Christmas. One of my closest friends, and a member of my book club, turned me on to them. I had never been interested in reading them before. Fantasy/sci-fi has never really been my genre. But my friend told me how much she loved Harry and how much she mourned the last book. She was in such a funk after that I was truly worried that she might never get her love of reading back. So because they came so highly recommended I dove in. I have enjoyed each one immensely, and am currently reading the first one to my almost 9 year old son. He is also enjoying it.

I just completed number six in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I enjoyed it as I have all of the other books in the series. Action, adventure, mystery, suspense, romance and of course the fantasy of the magical world. But, as I was reading it, I thought that this one was predictable. I thought that I had it figured out and was getting slightly disappointed because of that. I thought that I knew the identity of the "Half-Blood Prince". But I was wrong and quite surprised at the ending of the book. I was surprised at the identity that is revealed and I was also surprised by the big event near the end of the book. Without giving anything away, who is involved and what happens was quite a shock to me. I didn't think that Rowling would go there. So, it turned out that this book was not predictable at all.

I would recommend the series. The books are so much better than the movies. So, if you enjoyed the movie versions, please take the time to read the books. There is so much more to them than what is shown in the movies. Harry Potter is a hero worth your time. The books fill many interests not just that of sci-fi or fantasy. Each book has left me anxious to start the next one. But I don't want to finish the series too quickly. I enjoy Harry's company and that of all of his friends. So I am not sure if I will start on Book Seven tonight, or if I will read something else first.

My friend did recover her love for reading, by finding another series and wonderfully intriguing hero. The "Twilight" series by Stephanie Meyer, which she also turned me on to and I read in between a few of the Harry Potter books.

Happy Reading!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Kite Runner

Most recently, my book club read The Kite Runner. It wasn't my turn to pick and I was a little skeptical at first. I was interested because of the hype surrounding the book, but I was actually more interested in reading the author's other book, A Thousand Splendid Suns. I wasn't sure if The Kite Runner was going to be a book I enjoyed reading. Boy was I surprised.

It is one of the best books I have read. The story is gripping, disturbing, haunting, and suspenseful. There were times when the book made me sick or so emotional that I would sob. There were several times that I had to put it down and walk away. But five minutes later I was right back to it because I had to see what was going to happen and how this latest turn was going to play out. I enjoy any book that makes me feel emotion. If a book can make me smile, laugh, cry or get angry, then I think the author has done his or her job.

I ended up disliking the narrator. He was a selfish coward. But at the same time I could feel sympathy for him because of his family situation and relationships. Without giving anything away in the story, it is hands down one of the best tales of friendship, loyalty, betrayal, forgiveness and heartbreak. And of how one man tries to redeem himself after a lifetime of guilt.

My girlfriends and I got together earlier this week to discuss the book. We had mixed opinions as to whether or not we liked it, but all of us agreed that the book was gripping and that made it easy to finish. We all read it quickly. It is not a "happy" book, which is what led us to our mixed reviews. There were not many moments in this book where you had the opportunity to smile.

We all saw the book as a valuable piece of literature. We watched the movie after discussing the book. It was not as good as the book, but movies rarely are. We felt that it left out or altered too many important elements. If you haven't read the book, we doubt you will gain much from the movie.

I would highly recommend this book. For those who wouldn't be interested because of the location of the story or fear of it being slightly political in nature, I can tell you that the story is about so much more than where it takes place, and the political side of the story is very benign. It is a tale that won't soon be forgotten. I know it will stay with me for a long time.

My Love of Reading

I decided that I wanted a place to journal what I have been reading. I hope that this blog can be used as a place for people to get suggestions for a good read.

I love books. I love everything about books. I love to just look at them and touch them. I know it sounds weird, but I am passionate about books. I am a busy mom, so I don't get as much time to read as I want. When I do have time, reading is what I choose to do. I read almost anything.

In addition to reading on my own for pleasure, I belong to a book club (made up of my three best friends). These three other wonderful, intelligent women and I started a "book club" over ten years ago. We were meeting on a regular basis for coffee and dinner in a local bookstore. What started as a whim became one of the most enjoyable parts of my life. Because we all love reading and wanted to share that passion with each other, we decided to each buy a copy of a book and read it together. Our first book was The History of Danish Dreams. We each take turns choosing a book, we all buy it, read it and get together to discuss it. We have read books of all types from the silly and frivolous (Flaming Iguanas) to the serious and thought provoking (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn). We have read somewhere around 40 books now, for better or worse, and had a wonderful time doing it. We marked our ten year anniversary this January and I can see us celebrating many more anniversaries. For anyone out there who knows someone else who loves to read, I suggest that you start a book club. Having someone else to discuss a book with, as you are reading it, is so enjoyable. I believe it makes the experience of reading the book more enriching, as well.

When I read a book, I will post my thoughts about that book on this blog. I hope that those that come across this blog will gain something from it.

Happy Reading!