Sunday, November 15, 2015

First Frost

Sarah Addison Allen puts something a little mystical in her novels, and First Frost is no exception.  In this sweet book, we meet the gifted and talented Waverly sisters once again (previously featured in Garden Spells).  This edition can stand on its own and is no less magical.

Claire's catering business has taken a turn in another direction and has taken off.  But she realizes making candy isn't her passion, no matter the public's passion for her candy.  Sydney is trying to expand her family and raise her teenage daughter who seems to be rebelling against what Sydney wants for her. Bay (Sydney's daughter) knows just where she belongs. In fact, she knows where everything belongs, but she has to convince an unwilling boy first, otherwise she might not find her true happiness. First frost is always a time of upheaval for the Waverly family and things are just off balance.  A mysterious stranger comes to town with nefarious plans, things aren't going as planned for any of the Waverly women, the men in the family remain as steadfast as ever, and as the mystery of their family's past and this stranger begin to unravel, they must lean on each other to get through this year's first frost.

If you like Sarah Addison Allen, this one is one to add to your 'to be read' list. If you are new to her writing, I would suggest either Garden Spells or The Sugar Queen be your first.  While First Frost is delectable and I enjoyed it, I enjoyed the other two more.

Happy Reading!

(As an aside, my book club and I won copies of this novel from the publisher for entering a book club contest. How cool is that?)