Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Nosy Neighbor

The Nosy Neighbor by Fern Michaels was, quite simply, not worth my time. This book is the reason I don't like most romance novels. But I am one of those people that can't put down a book without finishing it. This novel was like a bad movie that sucks you in and you just feel like you have to find out where it is possibly going to go and what is going to happen, even though you could care less about the characters or the plot, then at the end you realize that you will never get that wasted time back.

I am not going to waste any time describing it. I will simply say that I found the author inconsistent. Her characters were inconsistent and the details were inconsistent, and I don't think the author researched anything for this novel. I found myself wondering how this novel got published and if the author/publisher maybe just think their readers are stupid. And that just pisses me off, frankly. But I guess I only have myself to blame, since I could have put it down at any point!

Not worth your time, don't even bother with this one.

Happy Reading!

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