Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen was an excellent book! It is a gritty look at life in a traveling circus in the 1930s. The author meticulously researched the book, and it shows. At times funny, at times gross, at times infuriating and at times heartbreaking, this novel has it all. Intrigue, suspense, romance, adventure and amazing characters.

The main character is Jacob, a veterinary student set to take up practice with his dad once he graduates from school. But then tragedy strikes and Jacob's life takes a very different turn. He joins a traveling circus and meets some wonderful and terrifying people (and animals) along the way. One of the animals is an amazing elephant that has such human emotions you can't help but think of her as one of the human characters. The story is told from Jacob's perspective, remembering it all from his place in a nursing home now at the age of 90, or 93 (he really isn't sure). The story switches back and forth between then and now. Both eras of the story are fascinating, and you can't help loving the crotchety old man that he is now, or the flawed but sweet young man that he was then.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I didn't want to put it down when I was reading it and couldn't wait to pick it back up again each day. I am sad that my time with Jacob is over now. I would love to be able to sit down and have a drink with him and listen to more of his story!

Happy Reading!

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