Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Sugar Queen

What a sweet, mouth watering, indulgence this book was! The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen is a heartwarming, intriguing, fanciful novel about how one woman finally finds her voice and chases her dreams.

Josey Cirrini has always lived under the thumb of her mother. As a child, she threw horrible tantrums and acted out, adoring her father and never pleasing her mother. As an adult, she romanticizes her father, since passed, and tries to redeem herself with her mother, seeking acceptance and forgiveness for those childhood misdemeanors, and is secretly in love with her mailman. Her mother is ailing, or at least pretending to, and Josey (at the age of 27) is her 24 hour nursemaid, gofer, driver, and whipping post. Josey has a secret though...a place she goes for solitude and indulgence. When a local waitress shows up in Josey's closet, Josey's secret is revealed. But this stranger will lead her on a path to discover that she deserves her own life and that she should reach out and grab it.

The characters in this novel are so loveable. I adored Josey and her friends. My heart ached for them, leapt for them, yearned with them. Each character has a special ability or talent that makes the book engaging and fun. I could relate to Josey's relationship with her mailman on such a deep level that I physically ached at certain points in the book. So much so, that at one point I put the novel down and quietly wept for my younger self.

I simply loved this book. It was fast, fun, and heartwarming. An easy read that has substance. Highly recommended, this one will most likely make my favorites list for the year.

Happy Reading!

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