Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Man Law

Man Law is a romantic suspense novel by Adrienne Giordano.  It is one of the "Private Protectors" series.  It had some suspense in it, and some romance, but the story was barely held together by these aspects.  The author moves the story along quickly and takes liberties with reality in order to fit all the pieces of the story together.  It doesn't feel like it has been well researched - although, I guess this kind of book usually isn't.  I did find the Man Laws at the beginning of each chapter a little entertaining, even if I did roll my eyes at them.

The main character is a guy that runs a private security firm with his best friend, and the best friend's sister, who also works for the firm.  There has been some history between these two, but nothing more than physical.  This guy is ex-special ops and still goes on non government sanctioned assignments to rid the world of terrorists, and has no interest in a relationship.  The girl is a widow, and is not interested in getting involved with anyone who leads a dangerous lifestyle (her husband was a fire fighter and died in the line of duty).  But they can't deny the attraction, and they truly care for one another because they are great friends. 

The suspense comes in when the brother of one of the terrorists that this guy went after comes after the girl and her kids.  Now, they need 24 hour protection and the security firm needs to work fast to find this terrorist before he gets to the girl and her kids.  This is the part of the story that is a little convoluted and unrealistic. 

I read this book quickly, didn't really enjoy it and won't bother reading any more in the series.  I am glad it was a free book.

Happy Reading!

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