Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Front Porch Prophet

Raymond L. Atkins' The Front Porch Prophet is a compelling story about a group of seemingly misfits in a small town in Georgia.  The reader grows to care about and even love the characters, even the unlovable ones.  Engaging and affecting, this novel is about a lot more than it initially seems.

A.J. Longstreet and Eugene Purdue have been best friends since childhood.  One a trouble maker, rude and obnoxious son of a gun and the other a nice, well meaning and hard working sort.  They make an odd couple and an entertaining one.  Eugene has pushed away most of the people in his life, including A.J.  But now that he has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, he turns to his longtime friend for help and asks him to kill him when the time is right.  A.J. is faced with a dilemma, but before he faces that dilemma he helps Eugene make things right with the people he has pushed away.

The two reconnect and take the reader on a journey into the past that shapes for the reader the lives of who these two are today.  Joined by a cast of unforgettable characters, this book is funny, smart and heart warming.  By the end of the book, this motley crew feels almost like family.  This was a great read and one I would absolutely recommend.  Thanks Barnes & Noble for this Free Friday pick!

Happy Reading!

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