Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obsidian Butterfly

Wow, it took me a while to finish this book. I will admit that I have been busy, BUT, this is an unusual amount of time for me even with a busy life.

I have to say that this Anita Blake novel was not as good as even the last. So, they are going a little downhill for me. I peaked with Bloody Bones, I think. In this edition of Anita's extraordinary life, she goes to New Mexico to help her friend and co-monster slayer, Edward. It is a good look into Edward's life, as the novel focuses on him and his world. There are mentions of the vampire and the werewolf in Anita's life, but they are not in the book themselves. So, for the fact that Edward's character is explored and revealed, the book was worth reading.

That being said...the plot was very confusing to me. The monster that they were tracking and its motives still eludes me and I am finished the book. I didn't really follow the how and why and even some of the who of that part of the story line. It was confusing and quickly explained and quickly wrapped up. It took me so long to finish this book because I simply wasn't that interested in that part of the story. I found other things to do, rather than read, and that isn't like me. When I have the time, reading is what I choose to do. While reading this book, I chose to watch TV or a movie, and on one occasion actually rake leaves. Not much of an endorsement for the book.

Laurell K. Hamilton also goes farther with the gore and disturbing acts of violence in this book. With each book, I think she can't get any darker or any more horrendous with her victims or the level of violence. And each time she proves me wrong. In this book there is very disturbing violence that takes place in the nursery of a hospital and also child sexual abuse. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

I will keep going in the series. I am still interested enough to see where life takes Anita. But I am not going to pick up the next book right away. I am going to read something else first, then pick up the next one.

Happy Reading!

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