Monday, January 13, 2014

Lone Wolf

Jodi Piccoult's novels never fail to make the reader think:  What would I do?  Her novel Lone Wolf is no exception.  Heart breaking, captivating, informative and thought provoking, this novel is not one that will leave you quickly.

After a car accident leaves their father in a vegetative state, Edward and Cara must make decisions for their father's care.  But they believe he would want two completely different things.  Edward has been living in another country for the past six years and has had no contact with his father.  Cara has been living with her father, but is only 17 so, legally she doesn't have the right to make decisions for him.  They both are keeping secrets that they think will tear them apart.  Their situation is pretty unique, as is the man whose medical care is in question, though and the decision on who has the best ability to make medical decisions for Luke Warren is left to the state and a judge.

Luke Warren is an expert in wolf behavior and even left his family for a period of time to live with a wild pack of wolves.  Throughout this novel, you are given the story from the perspective of Edward and Cara, but also of their mother Georgie and her husband Joe, and even of Luke Warren.  Each of Luke's chapters are a look into the dynamics in a wolf pack and they each relate back to the family that could be torn apart by this tragedy.  Expertly written, so that you not only learn quite a bit about wolves but you also find yourself sympathetic with all of the characters regardless of their flaws, this novel hooks you from the beginning.  I found myself changing my mind about who I thought was 'right' twice while reading the book, and even ended up feeling sympathy for Luke Warren even if in the beginning of the novel I didn't agree with choices that he had made.

Definitely worth your time, as I have found Jodi Piccoult to be every time I have read one of her novels.

Happy Reading!

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