Sunday, June 29, 2008

Next Pick

Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish.

This is our next book club selection. It was my pick this time. We went to the bookstore, picked up several books that looked interesting, voted on them and this was the winner. Since it was my pick, I had the right to veto the group's vote and choose something different. I don't think this was my first choice, but it was in the top three and it looked like a fun read. We needed something fun after The Kite Runner.

We will be reading about halfway through the book before we meet again next week. Then we will probably finish the book for the next meeting.

Flowers For Algernon

This was an excellent book. A heavy read, not for size of the book, but for content. It is a very intellectual book, that required my full attention.

It is the story of a mentally retarded man, Charlie, who is used in an experiment on intelligence. The book is written as progress report entries of Charlie's journey through the experiment. He is a lovable character, for whom you can't help but feel pity. There are parts of this book that will haunt me.

There is much deeper meaning in these pages than what is actually written on them. There are deep emotional and moral issues on every page. The treatment of mentally retarded people, both children and adults. The struggles of a family as they try their best to be "normal". The errors one mother makes that affect her child for the rest of his life. And the most controversial theme of them all...the use of humans in science experimentation.

Is it better to be a genius or an idiot? Is Charlie better off after his journey, or worse? I am still struggling with that question. He has lived a much different life than that which he would have been able to live. But at what cost?

Not a book to be taken lightly, but an excellent, thought provoking, page turner.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Next Pick

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys.

This book was recommended to me by a friend who is a teacher. It has been on my bookshelf for quite a while. It is a classic that I had never heard of before she mentioned it. I chose it now because of its size. I wanted something I could finish within a week or so.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I just finished the last installment in the Harry Potter series. I laughed, I cried, I sat on the edge of my seat and was scared. It was an excellent book.

The plot in this book was intricate. So intricate, that at times I felt confused and had to reference back. That should not reflect negatively on the book itself, but of my reading habits. When I read these days, I am usually tired, or have a short period of time and am trying to get as much read as I can, or I am surrounded by distractions. Back to the point...I am amazed at the effort that J. K. Rowling had to put into creating this entire series. It is not a simple story line. There are twists and turns and just when you think you had it figured out, something happens that shakes the foundation of the book.

I am very sad that I have completed the series. My adventures with Harry are over. There will be the last two movies coming out, but the movies that I have seen so far of the series did not engage me. So, I am left to re-live the adventure through my children as they grow and I introduce them to this wonderful, courageous hero.

I was never interested in Harry Potter before. I don't typically read fantasy, was not interested in the Harry Potter craze. I was hugely mistaken and judged these books without information. I am so thankful that my friend turned me onto them. This series is one that I would pass onto someone as a great gift. The gift of Harry Potter is one that can be handed down through generations. He is a hero that will transcend time.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Too Many Books, So Little Time

There are so many books out there that I want to read. New James Patterson, John Grisham, Janet Evanovich, among others. I keep a list of books I want to read and update it whenever I see something that interests me. The list keeps getting longer and longer. There are books on that list that are years old and can be found on the bargain book rack at Barnes & Noble. I want to get through whatever book I am reading currently so that I can move on to the next one...and yet, each book that I read I want to savor.

Next week the new Janet Evanovich comes out. Will I be finished Harry Potter so that I can read Fearless Fourteen right away? Do I want to be? When I finish Harry Potter, my adventure with him will be over. What a conundrum for a book lover!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Next Pick

I decided to read the seventh and final Harry Potter. I am anxious to read it to see what happens in the next installment of the saga. However, I am also anxious about the end of my relationship with Harry and the gang. I have so enjoyed these books, and I want the adventures to continue.

I haven't had much time to read this week, but I am hoping to be able to make a dent in the book next week.

Happy Reading!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Host

I finished The Host last night. It was a good read. I was hooked into it almost right away and couldn't wait to see how it would end. The premise of the book is very sci-fi, which I typically don't get into. But this was very interesting. The earth has been taken over by parasite beings called "souls". They are very peaceful, kind and honest creatures, with the exception that they invade planets and take over. They live inside the "host" humans and have all of their memories and past experiences to guide them. The main character of the book is an alien being, a "soul". Her "host" did not willingly give up her mind and the two struggle for control. The end result is that the two of them work together toward one common goal. Finding the "host's" little brother and the man that she loves.

Stephanie Meyer does a fantastic job of making the alien parasite human and likable. Not only because she takes over a human body, but because of the things she believes in and ultimately the sacrifices she makes. I found myself rooting for her and not wanting her time on Earth or the friendships she made to end.

I am also finding a theme to Stephanie Meyer's books. The idea that two men can be in love with one woman. And that woman loves them both, but differently. In this book, really it was two men in love with one body but two different minds and personalities. Her young adult series, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse have the same issue. But I guess a lot of books that have romance in them have that recurring theme.

I did think that the book was a little drawn out. There were times that the author infused too much detail, or maybe just spent to much time on one "scene", for lack of a better word. The book could have dragged on, if I had not been so interested in seeing where it was going. And there was just enough action put into those longer parts of the book to keep the reader hooked. That being said, I am sorry that my time with the "soul", Wanderer, and her human friends has come to an end.

Overall, I would recommend this book. It was an entertaining read and one that made me shed a few tears. Any book that elicits emotion is a good book, in my opinion. If you care enough about the characters to get emotional about what is happening to them, then the author has done his/her job.

Happy Reading!