Sunday, August 24, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer is the final installment of the Twilight saga. I was anticipating this book because the first three books in the series were fabulous and left the reader wanting more. But I was also not really relishing reading it, because it was the final book for the series.

I will cut right to the chase...It was fantastic. I didn't want to put it down. It was fast paced, and intriguing enough that I literally carried the book around with me during the day from place to place so that it would be by my side when I had a moment to read. I started it just before we left for a family vacation, and took it with me to read. During the kids nap time, my only real down time on vacation, I read it non-stop for a couple hours at a time. Then at night, after the kids were in bed, I read until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I read it while I ate my breakfast and lunch, and while I waited for the kids to get ready to go out. I took it to the beach (which I thought I would never do because I treasure this book and didn't want to see it messed up with sand and sunscreen) and read while the kids played in the sand. It was that good.

The book was a little different from the first three. It seemed more fast paced. I expected there to be suspense about where things were going with the book ending with the big event either happening or not. But right from the beginning, things moved along at a faster pace then her other books. And early on there was a HUGE unexpected twist. One that shaped the rest of the book. Trust me, if you have read the other books in this series, this one will surprise you. No one that I know that has read the books expected it. Oh and how wonderful some of the fantasy is! I don't want to give anything away, but if only some of the sci-fi elements involved could be real. The desire for that left me breathless.

Throughout the book, small loose ends are wrapped up and the series is given its just due. I didn't feel that it was all resolved too quickly at the end, just because the author knew it was time to wrap it up. There are a few things that wrap up simply and easily, but I felt that this was done to give the reader great satisfaction when the book was over. When the back cover closes with a thump, the reader is left with a sigh and a feeling of closure that the other books did not provide. Aptly so, since this is the final book.

I do wish that we could have more. That somewhere, Stephanie Meyer has another leg of this story to tell. One can only hope!

Happy Reading!

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