Sunday, January 31, 2010

Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond is a novel by Sandra Brown.  It was written in the mid 80's.  I picked it off my shelf because after reading The Hunger Games and The Lost Symbol, I wanted something light and easy to read.  Well, it was that.  But unfortunately, I cannot say anything much more positive than that.

This book is a typical romance novel.  Normally, Sandra Brown adds some suspense to her novels, but there wasn't really any in this one.  The main character is a widowed mother of a toddler.  Her husband died in an explosion while on duty in the military.  His bunk mate ends up falling for her and courting her.  He decieves her by not telling her that he served with her husband.  It is a typical girl meets boy, girls doesn't want to fall for boy but does eventually, boy and girl have a disagreement/misunderstanding, boy and girl make up and live happily ever after.

This novel was full of male dominance and chauvinism, and female weakness and submission.  The male lead character was so brawny and dominant.  Ridiculously so.  The female character was unsure and weak.  I guess it could be because of when it was written, but it seems to me most of these types of romance novels are like this.  I wonder why these authors write characters this way.  Is it because the think most females really want their man to be dominant?  It held very little appeal for me and I only kept reading to find out when she would learn of his deception and how she would resolve it.

This book was not worth my time.  I am all for reading a steamy romance every once in a while...this one wasn't even that steamy and where there was that element it was unbelievable and fake.  It did at least provide my brain a break from the other types of novels that I had read prior to this one.  Don't waste your time on this one!

Happy Reading!

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