Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Lunatic Cafe

This is the fourth novel in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. In this edition, Anita faces some lycanthropes (shapeshifters - humans that can change into animals) with less than admirable hobbies. She has to get to the bottom of a slew of missing lycanthropes and in order to do so, has to get close to some shifty characters (pun intended).

As with the others, this is a thoroughly entertaining read. I finished it in a day and a half. This one does get a little more graphic. One of the hobbies involved making adult films and the author goes into detail about what is seen on the screen. While the main character remains rather chaste with some serious sexual tension, the remaining characters are not so innocent in their actions. I think it is a good way for the author to stay true to who her character is, but add the steamy scenes that her fans may be asking for. From what I understand, all that changes and the novels get a lot more graphic as they go along.

For now, it was a great read and the minute I was done, I picked up the next book, Bloody Bones. I am hooked for the time being and can't see myself letting this series go to pick up something else in the near future.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Circus of the Damned

Circus of the Damned is the third novel in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. Like the first two, this one was full of blood, other worldly creatures and lots of kicking butt on Anita's part. Anita always kicks butt!

In the third installment of the series, she meets two more master vampires, has to train a fresh face in the world of animation and vampire hunting, and has to escape from creatures that only someone with a wild imagination could dream up. Throw in one wild and gruesome Halloween and you have yourself an entertaining, non stop action book.

I was turned on to this series by a friend and I can't seem to stop reading them to pick anything else up. From what she has told me, they get a little ridiculous further into the series (there are somewhere around 15 books total). But for right now, I am hooked and as soon as I close one, I pick up the next and start reading. I have gotten the next four from the library, even having to order one hoping it will be in by the time I need it. Now I am on to The Lunatic Cafe, which is book #4.

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Laughing Corpse

This is the second Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel. This would not normally be my cup of tea, but I read the first book (Guilty Pleasures) because a dear friend recommended it. I was hooked and decided to read on. The Laughing Corpse was even better than Guilty Pleasures. It was easier to follow, explained a little more history, and was a page turner.

This book is gruesome, suspenseful, and interesting. It is hard to describe without sounding ridiculous. The monsters, ghouls, vampires, lycanthropes (shape shifters), animators, necromancers...the list goes on and sounds a little weird. But really, the books are very entertaining.

I am definitely hooked, and as soon as I finished this book, I picked up the third, Circus of the Damned. My next stop, after posting this, is the local library website to put the next three in the series on hold.

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

So as soon as I finished Call of the Wild I picked up my next book. A friend of mine lent me three books in a series she has been reading. Guilty Pleasures, by Laurell K. Hamilton is the first of the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books.

At first, I wasn't sure about these books. Based on what my friend had told me, they seemed a little out there. Zombies, ghouls, vampires, wererats? Not just plain old werewolves...wererats, werehyenas, etc. A little over the top for me.

Now I know that I must just love to read...because damn if I didn't finish half the book on Saturday afternoon/evening. And with very little time at home on Sunday and no time to read until the kids were in bed tonight, I still finished it. It was a thoroughly entertaining book.

The main character, Anita Blake, is an animator. This is someone who raises the dead. That is her job. The vampires in this book are part of mainstream society, and are even fighting for the right to vote. But when they do wrong, and murder people, they must be punished. No jail for the vampires; when they do wrong, they get executed. That is when Anita becomes the Vampire Hunter. Just something she does on the side. And boy does she kick butt, and keeps a sense of humor while doing it. In this particular book, someone is slaying vampires and everyone wants Anita to find out who. In fact, her life depends on it.

The relationships she has with others, the vampires, the other animators she works with, and her friends are fascinating. And there is a ton of action, lots of violence, blood and guts. But not in a scary way, in an entertaining, thrill ride sort of way. These are not horror books, they are part thriller/suspense, part sci-fi, lots of action.

I finished the first book and immediately picked up the second. There are something like seventeen books now in the series. I don't know if I will stick with them for that long...but for now, I am intrigued about where Anita's next adventure will take her. Stay tuned....

Happy Reading!

Call of the Wild

My nine year old son asked me to read this. He finished it recently and said that he thought Daddy and I might enjoy it. He read the abridged and adapted version. I loved that he wanted to share a book with me. He sees me share my love of reading with my friends, and it meant so much to me that he wanted to share a good book with me. I promised him that as soon as I finished the book I was reading (Cane River) I would read it.

I sat down on Saturday afternoon, and read his book cover to cover in about an hour and a half. I am sure I read it at some point in my childhood, but I don't remember when, and I didn't remember the story. It was a great read. Very entertaining, action packed and sweet. The story covers the adventures of a dog named Buck as he is stolen and put to work in Alaska during the gold rush. There is a lot of violence and death in this book. I was a little surprised by that.

There were moments when I was fearful for Buck, and moments when I cried. Anytime an author can evoke an emotion, I think they have done their job. There is no question why this book is a classic. Definitely worth reading, and re-reading if it has been years since you have read it.

Happy Reading!

Cane River

I finished Cane River by Lalita Tademy a few days ago, but had no time to post. It was a fascinating book. It is a novel that is based in fact. The author is writing about her own ancestors. She has some facts from historical documents and stories handed down by generations. The rest, she fabricates based on what she believes, or knows, about her family. It was truly engaging and fascinating.

The story is centered around the women of an African American family. It begins in times of slavery and moves through times of freedom, but few rights. It is a story of struggle and triumph, but mostly of making the best of what you can and not giving up. It is about these women who knew that life could be better for the next generation, and they made it so through sacrifice and hard work. So much hard work.

There are illustrations of the historical documents, actual pictures and family trees throughout the book. Those add to the interest of the story. The fact that you are reading about real people and real events makes the story really come alive.

This story is an excellent reminder of the way things were in this country long ago, and the way they sometimes still are. It was a reminder to me of how horribly humans could treat each other, but also that not everyone is that way, or even was back then.

This book is definitely one worth reading. It is one that makes a mark on you and will not be forgotten.

Happy Reading!